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SPARC Assembly Language Reference Manual     Oracle Solaris 11.1 Information Library
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1.  SPARC Assembler Syntax

2.  Executable and Linking Format

3.  Directives and Pseudo-Operations

4.  Creating Data in Assembler

5.  SPARC Code Models

5.1 Basics

5.2 Address Sizes

5.2.1 32-Bit Absolute

5.2.2 64-Bit Absolute

5.2.3 44-Bit Absolute

5.2.4 64-Bit with 13-Bit PIC

5.2.5 64-Bit With 32-Bit PIC

5.3 Global Object Table (GOT) Code Models

5.4 Thread Local Storage (TLS) Code Models

5.4.1 Local Executable Code Model

5.4.2 Initial Executable Code Model

5.4.3 Local Dynamic TLS Code Model

5.4.4 General Dynamic TLS Code Model

6.  Writing Functions -- The SPARC ABI

7.  Assembler Inline Functions and __asm Code

A.  Using the Assembler Command Line

B.  A Sample Assembler Program

C.  SPARC Instruction Sets and Mnemonics


5.2 Address Sizes

There are also two different sizes for code models, 32–bit and 64–bit., which results in three code models for 32–bit code, and five code models for 64–bit code.

For 32–bit code, there are the following address modes:

For 64–bit code, there are the following address modes:

5.2.1 32–Bit Absolute

An example of 32–bit absolute assembly code for the function add() shown earlier looks like this:

         sethi   %hi(sum),%o4
         ld      [%o4+%lo(sum)],%o5
         add     %o5,%o0,%o3
         st      %o3,[%o4+%lo(sum)]

It takes two instructions to form the address of sum. The %hi() operator tells the assembler to create a R_SPARC_HI22 relocation symbol sum, and the %lo(sum) operator creates a R_SPARC_LO10 relocation on the symbol sum.

5.2.2 64–Bit Absolute

The 64–bit absolute code model for add() might look like this:

         sethi   %hh(sum),%o5
         sethi   %lm(sum),%o2
         or      %o5,%hm(sum),%o4
         sllx    %o4,32,%o3
         or      %o3,%o2,%o1
         ld      [%o1+%lo(sum)],%g5
         add     %g5,%o0,%g3
         st      %g3,[%o1+%lo(sum)]

Here it takes 6 instruction to form address of sum. The operators act as follows:

%hh(sum)R_SPARC_HH22 relocation

5.2.3 44–Bit Absolute

The 44–bit absolute code model for add() might look like the following:

         sethi   %h44(sum),%o5
         or      %o5,%m44(sum),%o4
         sllx    %o4,12,%o2
         ld      [%o2+%l44(sum)],%o3
         add     %o3,%o0,%o1
         st      %o1,[%o2+%l44(sum)]

It takes 4 instructions to form the 44 bits of address for sum. The operators act like as follows:

%h44(sum)R_SPARC_H44 relocation

5.2.4 64–Bit with 13–Bit PIC

The 64-bit with 13-bit PIC code for add() might look like the following:

         rd      %pc,%o3
         sethi   %pc22(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_-(.L900000106-.)),%g1
         add     %g1,%pc10(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_-(.L900000106-.)),%g1
         add     %g1,%o3,%o3
         ldx     [%o3+%got13(sum)],%o1
         ld      [%o1],%o2
         add     %o2,%o0,%g5
         retl    ! Result =
         st      %g5,[%o1]

The address of sum is formed in two parts. The first four instructions form the address of the global offset table (GOT). Then a 13-bit offset into the GOT is used to load the address of sum. The dynamic linker puts the correct address for sum into the GOT at run-time.

The operators act as follows:

%pc22(...)R_SPARC_PC22 relocation

The 32-bit with 13-bit PIC code for add() is similar to the above 64–bit with 13–bit PIC, but the ldx used for 64-bit code is changed to ld for 32-bit code.

5.2.5 64–Bit With 32–Bit PIC

The 64-bit with 32-bit PIC code for add() might look as follows:

         rd      %pc,%o1
         sethi   %pc22(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_-(.L900000106-.)),%g1
         sethi   %got22(sum),%o3
         add     %g1,%pc10(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_-(.L900000106-.)),%g1
         xor     %o3,%got10(sum),%o2
         add     %g1,%o1,%o1
         ldx     [%o1+%o2],%g4,%gdop(sum)
         ld      [%g4],%g5
         add     %g5,%o0,%g3
         retl    ! Result =
         st      %g3,[%g4]

Again, the address of sum is formed in two parts. The first part forms the address of the global offset table (GOT). Then a 32-bit offset into the GOT is used to load the address of sum.

The operators act as follows:

%pc22(...)R_SPARC_PC22 relocation

Similarly, the 32-bit code with 32-bit PIC would use just ld instead of ldx to load the address of sum from the GOT.