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Managing Oracle Solaris 11.1 Network Performance     Oracle Solaris 11.1 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Introduction to Network Performance Management

2.  Using Link Aggregations

3.  Working With VLANs

4.  Administering Bridged Networks (Tasks)

5.  Introduction to IPMP

6.  Administering IPMP (Tasks)

7.  Exchanging Network Connectivity Information With LLDP

8.  Working With Data Center Bridging Features in Oracle Solaris

9.  Edge Virtual Bridging in Oracle Solaris

10.  Integrated Load Balancer (Overview)

11.  Configuring Integrated Load Balancer

12.  Managing Integrated Load Balancer

Administering ILB Server Groups

How to Create an ILB Server Group

How to Delete an ILB Server Group

Administering Back-End Servers in ILB

How to Add a Back-End Server to an ILB Server Group

How to Remove a Back-End Server From an ILB Server Group

How to Re-enable or Disable a Back-End Server in an ILB Server Group

Administering Health Checks in ILB

Creating a Health Check

User-Supplied Test Details

Displaying Health Checks

Displaying Health Check Results

Deleting a Health Check

Administering ILB Rules

Listing ILB Rules

How to Create an ILB Rule

Deleting an ILB Rule

Displaying ILB Statistics

Obtaining Statistical Information

Displaying the NAT Connection Table

Displaying the Session Persistence Mapping Table

13.  Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (Overview)

A.  Link Aggregation Types: Feature Comparison

B.  Link Aggregations and IPMP: Feature Comparison


Administering ILB Server Groups

This section describes how you can use the ilbadm command to create, delete, and list ILB server groups.

How to Create an ILB Server Group

  1. Select a name for the server group that you are about to create.
  2. Select the servers that are to be included in the server group.

    Servers can be specified by their host name or IP address and optional port.

  3. Create the server group.
    # ilbadm create-servergroup -s servers= \
    server1,server2,server3 servergroup

Example 12-1 Creating an ILB Server Group

The following example creates a server group called webgroup consisting of three servers:

# ilbadm create-servergroup -s servers=webserv1,webserv2,webserv3 webgroup

How to Delete an ILB Server Group

  1. In a terminal window, type the show-servergroup subcommand to obtain information about a specific server group or all server groups.
    # ilbadm show-servergroup -o all

    The following sample command lists detailed information about all the server groups:


    The above table shows two server groups, specgroup and test123. The specgroup contains two servers, and and the server is using port 7001. Similarly, test123 also contains two servers, and This server is using the port 7002.

  2. Select the server group that you want to delete.

    The server group must not be in use by an active rule. Otherwise, the deletion will fail.

  3. In a terminal window, use the following command to delete the server group.
    # ilbadm delete-servergroup servergroup

Example 12-2 Deleting an ILB Server Group

The following example removes the server group called webgroup:

# ilbadm delete-servergroup webgroup

Administering Back-End Servers in ILB

This section describes how you can use the ilbadm command to add, remove, enable, and disable one or more back-end servers within a server group.

How to Add a Back-End Server to an ILB Server Group

Example 12-3 Adding a Back-End Server to an ILB Server Group

The following example adds back-end servers to server groups ftpgroup and sgrp, and enables the servers.

# ilbadm add-server -e -s \
server=, ftpgroup
# ilbadm add-server -e -s server=[2001:7::feed:6]:8080 sgrp

How to Remove a Back-End Server From an ILB Server Group

  1. To remove a back-end server from a server group, follow these steps:
    1. Identify the server ID of the server that you want to remove from a server group.

      The server ID is a unique name for the IP address that is assigned to a system when the server is added to a server group. This can be obtained from the output of show-servergroup -o all subcommand.

    2. Remove the server.
      # ilbadm remove-server -s server=serverID servergroup
  2. To remove a back-end server from all server groups, follow these steps:
    1. Identify the IP address and the host name of the server you want to remove.
    2. Use the output of the ilbadm show-servergroup-o all command to identify the server groups that include the server.
    3. For each server group, run the above subcommand to remove the server from the server group.

Example 12-4 Removing a Back-End Server From an ILB Server Group

The following example removes the server with server ID _sg1.2 from server group sg1:

# ilbadm remove-server -s server=_sg1.2 sg1

Note the following:

How to Re-enable or Disable a Back-End Server in an ILB Server Group

  1. Identify the IP address, host name, or server ID of the back-end server you want to re-enable or disable.

    If an IP address or host name is specified, the server will be re-enabled or disabled for the all rules associated with it. If a server ID is specified, the server will be re-enabled or disabled for the specific rules that are associated with the server ID.

    Note - A server can have multiple server IDs, if it belongs to multiple server groups.

  2. Re-enable or disable the back-end server.
    # ilbadm enable-server webservergroup.1
    # ilbadm disable-server webservergroup.1

Example 12-5 Re-enabling and Disabling a Back-End Server in an ILB Server Group

In the following example, a server with server ID websg.1 is enabled and then disabled:

# ilbadm enable-server websg.1
# ilbadm disable-server websg.1