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Oracle Solaris 11.1 Administration: Security Services Oracle Solaris 11.1 Information Library |
1. Security Services (Overview)
Part II System, File, and Device Security
2. Managing Machine Security (Overview)
3. Controlling Access to Systems (Tasks)
4. Virus Scanning Service (Tasks)
5. Controlling Access to Devices (Tasks)
6. Verifying File Integrity by Using BART (Tasks)
7. Controlling Access to Files (Tasks)
Part III Roles, Rights Profiles, and Privileges
8. Using Roles and Privileges (Overview)
9. Using Role-Based Access Control (Tasks)
Viewing and Using RBAC Defaults (Tasks)
Viewing and Using RBAC Defaults (Task Map)
How to View All Defined Security Attributes
How to View Your Assigned Rights
How to Change the Security Attributes of a User
How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights
Customizing RBAC for Your Site (Tasks)
Initially Configuring RBAC (Task Map)
How to Plan Your RBAC Implementation
How to Create a Rights Profile
How to Clone and Modify a System Rights Profile
How to Create an Authorization
How to Add RBAC Properties to Legacy Applications
How to Troubleshoot RBAC and Privilege Assignment
How to Change the Password of a Role
How to Change the Security Attributes of a Role
How to Reorder Assigned Security Attributes
How to Restrict an Administrator to Explicitly Assigned Rights
How to List the Privileges on the System
How to Determine the Privileges That You Have Been Directly Assigned
How to Determine the Privileged Commands That You Can Run
How to Determine the Privileges on a Process
How to Determine Which Privileges a Program Requires
How to Apply Extended Privilege Policy to a Port
How to Run a Shell Script With Privileged Commands
10. Security Attributes in Oracle Solaris (Reference)
Part IV Cryptographic Services
11. Cryptographic Framework (Overview)
12. Cryptographic Framework (Tasks)
Part V Authentication Services and Secure Communication
14. Using Pluggable Authentication Modules
17. Using Simple Authentication and Security Layer
18. Network Services Authentication (Tasks)
19. Introduction to the Kerberos Service
20. Planning for the Kerberos Service
21. Configuring the Kerberos Service (Tasks)
22. Kerberos Error Messages and Troubleshooting
23. Administering Kerberos Principals and Policies (Tasks)
24. Using Kerberos Applications (Tasks)
25. The Kerberos Service (Reference)
After you have configured and are using RBAC, use the following procedures to maintain and modify RBAC on your systems.
The following task map points to procedures for maintaining role-based access control (RBAC) after RBAC has been initially implemented.
These procedures manage security attributes on users, roles, and rights profiles. For basic user management procedures, refer to Chapter 1, Managing User Accounts and User Environments (Overview), in Managing User Accounts and User Environments in Oracle Solaris 11.1.
Because a role can be assigned to many users, users who are assigned a role cannot change the role password.
Before You Begin
You must assume the root role. For more information, see How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights.
# passwd [-r naming-service] rolename
Applies the password change to the files or ldap repository. The default repository is files. If you do not specify a repository, the password is changed in all repositories.
Is the name of an existing role that you want to modify.
For more command options, see the passwd(1) man page.
Example 9-24 Changing a Role's Password
In this example, the root role changes the password of the local devmgt role.
# passwd -r files devmgt New password: Type new password Confirm password: Retype new password
In this example, the root role changes the password of the devmgt role in the LDAP directory service.
# passwd -r ldap devmgt New password: Type new password Confirm password: Retype new password
In this example, the root role changes the password of the devmgt role in file and LDAP.
# passwd devmgt New password: Type new password Confirm password: Retype new password
Before You Begin
You must become an administrator who is assigned the User Security rights profile to change most of the security attributes of a role. To assign audit flags or change a role's password, you must assume the root role. For more information, see How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights.
This command modifies the attributes of a role that is defined in the local naming service or in LDAP. The values of the -A, -P, and -R options can be modified by - or +. The - sign indicates to subtract the value from the currently assigned values. The+ sign indicates to add the value to the currently assigned values.
For more information about the rolemod command, see the following:
For a short description, see the description of the roleadd command in How to Create a Role.
For all arguments to this command, see the rolemod(1M) man page.
For the list of key values for the -K option, see the user_attr(4) man page.
The following command adds two rights profiles to the devmgt role in the LDAP repository:
$ rolemod -P +"Device Management,File Management" -S ldap devadmin
Example 9-25 Changing a Local Role's Security Attributes
In this example, the security administrator modifies the prtmgt role to include the VSCAN Management rights profile.
$ rolemod -c "Handles printers and virus scanning" \ -P "Printer Management,VSCAN Management,All" prtmgt
Example 9-26 Assigning Privileges Directly to a Role
In this example, the security administrator entrusts the systime role with a very specific privilege that affects system time.
$ rolemod -K defaultpriv='proc_clock_highres' systime
The values for the defaultpriv keyword are in the list of privileges in the role's processes at all times.
Oracle Solaris reads rights profiles in order of assignment, as described in Order of Search for Assigned Security Attributes. In this procedure, you reorder rights profiles.
Before You Begin
You must become an administrator who is assigned the User Security rights profile. For more information, see How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights.
The list displays in order.
$ profiles username|rolename
$ usermod | rolemod -P "list-of-profiles"
Example 9-27 Assigning Rights Profiles in a Specific Order
In this example, the administrator determines that a rights profile with privileged commands is listed after the All rights profile for the role devadmin.
$ profiles devadmin Basic Solaris User All Device Management
Therefore, the devadmin role cannot run the device management commands with their assigned privileges.
The administrator reassigns the rights profiles to devadmin. In the new order of assignment, devadmin can run the device management commands with their assigned privileges.
$ rolemod -P "Device Management,Basic Solaris User,All" $ profiles devadmin Device Management Basic Solaris User All
You can restrict a role or user to a limited number of administrative actions in two ways.
You can use the Stop rights profile.
The Stop rights profile is the simplest way to create a restricted shell. The authorizations and rights profiles that are assigned in the policy.conf file are not consulted. Therefore, the role or user is not assigned the Basic Solaris User rights profile, the Console User rights profile, or the solaris.device.cdrw authorization.
You can modify the policy.conf file on a system, and require the role or user to use that system for administrative tasks.
Before You Begin
You must assume the root role. For more information, see How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights.
For example, you could limit the auditrev role to performing only audit reviews.
# rolemod -P "Audit Review,Stop" auditrev
Because the auditrev role does not have the Console User rights profile, the auditor cannot shut down the system. Because this role does not have the solaris.device.cdrw authorization, the auditor cannot read from or write to the CD-ROM drive. Because this role does not have the Basic Solaris User rights profile, no commands other than the commands in the Audit Review rights profile can be run in this role. For example, the ls command will not run. The role uses the File Browser to view the audit files.
For more information, see Rights Profiles and Order of Search for Assigned Security Attributes.
The rolemod command modifies the attributes of a role that is defined in the local naming service or in LDAP. For arguments to this command, see the rolemod(1M) man page. The list of RBAC arguments is similar to the list for the roleadd command, as described in How to Create a Role
Example 9-28 Modifying a System to Limit the Rights Available to Its Users
In this example, the administrator creates a system that is useful only to administer the network. The administrator removes the Basic Solaris User rights profile and any authorizations from the policy.conf file. The Console User rights profile is not removed. The affected lines in the resulting policy.conf file are the following:
... #AUTHS_GRANTED= #PROFS_GRANTED=Basic Solaris User CONSOLE_USER=Console User ...
Only a user who has been explicitly assigned authorizations, commands, or rights profiles is able to use this system. After login, the authorized user can perform administrative duties. If the authorized user is sitting at the system console, the user has the rights of the Console User.
By default, users must type the role's password to assume a role. Perform this procedure to make assuming a role in Oracle Solaris similar to assuming a role in a Linux environment.
Before You Begin
You assume a role that includes the User Security rights profile. This role cannot be the role whose roleauth value you want to change.
$ rolemod -K roleauth=user rolename
To assume this role, the assigned users can now use their own password, not the password that was created specifically for the role.
Example 9-29 Enabling a Role to Use the Assigned User's Password When Using a Rights Profile
In this example, the root role changes the value of roleauth for the role secadmin on the local system.
$ profiles -p "Local System Administrator" profiles:Local System Administrator> set roleauth="user" profiles:Local System Administrator> end profiles:Local System Administrator> exit
When a user who is assigned the Security Administrator rights profile wants to assume the role, the user is prompted for a password. In the following sequence, the role name is secadmin:
% su - secadmin Password: Type user password $ /** You are now in a profile shell with administrative rights**/
If the user has been assigned other roles, they use their own password to authenticate to those roles, too.
Example 9-30 Changing the Value of roleauth for a Role in the LDAP Repository
In this example, the root role enables all users who can assume the role secadmin to use their own password when assuming a role. This capability is granted to these users for all systems that are managed by the LDAP server.
# rolemod -S ldap -K roleauth=user secadmin
If roleauth=user is set for the role, the user password enables the authenticated role to access all rights that are assigned to that role. This keyword is search-dependent. For more information, see Order of Search for Assigned Security Attributes.
An administrator might change root to a user when decommissioning a system that has been removed from the network. In this instance, logging in to the system as root simplifies the cleanup.
Before You Begin
You must become root. For more information, see How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights.
For example, remove the role assignment from two users.
% su - root Password: a!2@3#4$5%6^7 # roles jdoe root # roles kdoe root # roles ldoe secadmin # usermod -R "" jdoe # usermod -R "" kdoe #
# rolemod -K type=normal root
Users who are currently in the root role remain so, Other users who have root access can su to root or log in to the system as the root user.
You can use one of the following commands.
# getent user_attr root root::::auths=solaris.*;profiles=All;audit_flags=lo\:no;lock_after_retries=no; min_label=admin_low;clearance=admin_high
If the type keyword is missing in the output or is equal to normal, the account is not a role.
# userattr type root
If the output is empty or lists normal, the account is not a role.
Example 9-31 Preventing the root Role From Being Used to Configure a System
In this example, site security policy requires that the root account be prevented from maintaining the system. The administrator has created and tested the roles which maintain the system. These roles include every security profile and the System Administrator rights profile. A trusted user has been assigned a role that can restore a backup. No role can change the audit flags for the system, a user, or a rights profile.
To prevent the root account from being used to maintain the system, the security administrator removes the root role assignment. Because the root account must be able to log in to the system in single-user mode, the account retains a password.
# usermod -K roles= jdoe # userattr roles jdoe
Example 9-32 Changing the root User Into the root Role
In this example, the root user turns the root user back into a role.
First, the root user changes the root account into a role and verifies the change.
# usermod -K type=role root # getent user_attr root root::::type=role;auths=solaris.*;profiles=All;audit_flags=lo\:no; lock_after_retries=no;min_label=admin_low;clearance=admin_high
Then, root assigns the root role to a local user.
# usermod -R root jdoe
In a desktop environment, you cannot directly log in as root when root is a role. A diagnostic message indicates that root is a role on your system.
If you do not have a local account that can assume the root role, create one. As root, log in to the system in single-user mode, create a local user account and password, and assign the root role to the new account. Then, log in as the new user and assume the root role.