- X Window System, See Trusted X Window System
- Xlib
- API declarations,
Trusted Extensions X Window System APIs
- objects,
Trusted X Window System Security Attributes
- XTsolClientAttributes structure,
Data Types for X11
- XTSOLgetClientAttributes() routine, declaration,
Accessing Attributes
- XTSOLgetPropAttributes() routine, declaration,
Accessing Attributes
- XTSOLgetPropLabel() routine, declaration,
Accessing and Setting a Window Property Label
- XTSOLgetPropUID() routine, declaration,
Accessing and Setting a Window Property User ID
- XTSOLgetResAttributes() routine
- code example,
Obtaining Window Attributes
- declaration,
Accessing Attributes
- XTSOLgetResLabel() routine
- code example,
Obtaining a Window Label
- declaration,
Accessing and Setting a Window Label
- XTSOLgetResUID() routine
- code example,
Obtaining the Window User ID
- declaration,
Accessing and Setting a Window User ID
- XTSOLgetSSHeight() routine, declaration,
Accessing and Setting the Screen Stripe Height
- XTSOLgetWorkstationOwner() routine
- code example,
Obtaining the X Window Server Workstation Owner ID
- declaration,
Accessing and Setting a Workstation Owner ID
- XTSOLIsWindowTrusted() routine, declaration,
Working With the Trusted Path Window
- XTSOLmakeTPWindow() routine, declaration,
Working With the Trusted Path Window
- XTsolPropAttributes structure,
Data Types for X11
- XTsolResAttributes structure,
Data Types for X11
- XTSOLsetPolyInstInfo() routine, declaration,
Setting Window Polyinstantiation Information
- XTSOLsetPropLabel() routine, declaration,
Accessing and Setting a Window Property Label
- XTSOLsetPropUID() routine, declaration,
Accessing and Setting a Window Property User ID
- XTSOLsetResLabel() routine
- code example,
Setting a Window Label
- declaration,
Accessing and Setting a Window Label
- XTSOLsetResUID() routine, declaration,
Accessing and Setting a Window User ID
- XTSOLsetSessionHI() routine, declaration,
Setting the X Window Server Clearance and Minimum Label
- XTSOLsetSessionLO() routine, declaration,
Setting the X Window Server Clearance and Minimum Label
- XTSOLsetSSHeight() routine, declaration,
Accessing and Setting the Screen Stripe Height
- XTSOLsetWorkstationOwner() routine, declaration,
Accessing and Setting a Workstation Owner ID