- Image Packaging System (IPS) package repository,
Providing a Local IPS Package Repository
- install server, See AI install server
- installadm command,
Installing the AI Installation Tools
- create-client subcommand
Adding a Client To an Install Service
Setting Up an Install Client
- create-manifest subcommand,
Adding an AI Manifest to an Install Service
- create-profile subcommand,
Adding a System Configuration Profile to an Install Service
- create-service subcommand
Creating an AI Install Service
Creating an Install Service
- delete-client subcommand
Deleting a Client From an Install Service
Deleting a Client From a Service
- delete-manifest subcommand,
Deleting an AI Manifest
- delete-profile subcommand,
Deleting a System Configuration Profile
- delete-service subcommand,
Deleting an Install Service
- disable subcommand,
Enabling or Disabling an Install Service
- enable subcommand,
Enabling or Disabling an Install Service
- export subcommand,
Exporting an AI Manifest or a System Configuration Profile
- list subcommand,
Showing Information About Install Services
- rename-service subcommand,
Renaming an Install Service
- set-criteria subcommand,
Modifying Criteria for an AI Manifest or a System Configuration Profile
- set-service subcommand,
Modifying Install Service Properties
- update-manifest subcommand,
Updating an AI Manifest
- update-profile subcommand,
Updating a System Configuration Profile
- update-service subcommand,
Updating an Install Service
- validate subcommand
Validating a System Configuration Profile
Validating System Configuration Profiles
- install/installadm software package,
Installing the AI Installation Tools
- installation
- additional options for
- creating custom ISO for (Distribution Constructor),
Additional Options
- pkg commands, using to update existing install,
Additional Options
default root password prior to installation,
How to Install Oracle Solaris From the Live Media If Your System Boots in Console Mode
- installing
- using Automated Installer (AI)
- See AI client installation
using the text installer and USB image,
How to Prepare for a Text Installation
- using the text installer over the network,
Performing a Text Installation Over the Network
- interactive installation, partitioning a system,
x86: Setting Up Partitions During an Interactive Installation
- IPS software package repository,
Providing a Local IPS Package Repository
- Live Media or GUI installer, configuring during installation,
How to Perform a GUI Installation
- text installer, configuring during installation,
Installing With the Text Installer