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Managing Oracle Solaris 11.1 Network Performance     Oracle Solaris 11.1 Information Library
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1.  Introduction to Network Performance Management

2.  Using Link Aggregations

3.  Working With VLANs

4.  Administering Bridged Networks (Tasks)

5.  Introduction to IPMP

6.  Administering IPMP (Tasks)

7.  Exchanging Network Connectivity Information With LLDP

Overview of LLDP in Oracle Solaris

Components of an LLDP Implementation

Information Sources of the LLDP Agent

LLDP Agent Modes of Operation

SMF Property for LLDP

Information the LLDP Agent Advertises

TLV Units and Their Properties

Enabling LLDP on the System

How to Deploy LLDP

How to Specify TLV Units for an Agent's LLDP Packet

How to Define TLV Values

Disabling LLDP

Monitoring LLDP Agents

How to Display Advertisements

How to Display LLDP Statistics

8.  Working With Data Center Bridging Features in Oracle Solaris

9.  Edge Virtual Bridging in Oracle Solaris

10.  Integrated Load Balancer (Overview)

11.  Configuring Integrated Load Balancer

12.  Managing Integrated Load Balancer

13.  Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (Overview)

A.  Link Aggregation Types: Feature Comparison

B.  Link Aggregations and IPMP: Feature Comparison


Enabling LLDP on the System

The following procedures describe how to configure LLDP to exchange system information with other hosts or peers on the network.

How to Deploy LLDP

The following procedure describes how to use LLDP on your system to begin advertising system capabilities. By default, LLDP is enabled and ready to be used after you have completed installing the LLDP package. If you are satisfied with the default LLDP configurations, then most of the steps would be optional.

Before You Begin

You must install the LLDP package to use LLDP. To install the package, type the following command:

# pkg install lldp
  1. Ensure that the LLDP service has started.
    # svcs lldp
    STATE          STIME    FMRI
    online         Jul_10   svc:/network/lldp:default

    If the LLDP service is disabled, start the service with the following command:

    # svcadm enable svc:/network/lldp:default
  2. Perform one of the following steps.
    • If you want the LLDP service to be enabled globally on the system, specify the TLV units that the LLDP agents would advertise.

      # lldpadm set-agentprop -p property=value agent

      where agent is the LLDP agent and is identified by the physical link on which the agent is enabled. Thus, if LLDP is enabled on net0, then the agent is net0.

      Note - You can use abbreviated forms when issuing lldpadm subcommands. For example, for lldpadm set-agentprop , you can instead type lldpadm set-ap. Refer to the lldpadm(1M) man page for the subcommands and their abbreviated forms.

      For an explanation of the properties of the LLDP agent, see Information the LLDP Agent Advertises.

      For a list of properties of the LLDP agent, type lldpadm show-agentprop. Or, refer to Table 7-1.

      For instructions, see How to Specify TLV Units for an Agent's LLDP Packet.

    • If you want the LLDP service to be enabled only on selective ports, perform the following steps.

      1. Change the SMF auto-enable-agents property to no.

        # svccfg -s svc:/network/lldp:default setprop lldp/auto-enable-agents = "no"

        This SMF property determines how LLDP is enabled on the system. It has three possible values: yes, force, and no. By default, the property is set to yes. For an explanation of these values and the consequent behavior of the LLDP agent from these values, see SMF Property for LLDP.

      2. Restart the LLDP service.

        # svcadm restart svc:/network/lldp:default
      3. Enable LLDP agents on selected ports or links.

        # lldpadm set-agentprop -p mode=value agent

        where agent is the LLDP agent and is identified by the physical link on which the agent is enabled. Thus, if you enable LLDP on net0, the agent is net0.

        The property mode can be set to one of four possible values that represent the LLDP agent's modes of operation: tx, rx, both, and disable. For an explanation of these values, see LLDP Agent Modes of Operation.

      4. Specify the TLV units that the LLDP agent would advertise.

        # lldpadm set-agentprop -p property=value agent

        For an explanation of the properties of the LLDP agent, see Information the LLDP Agent Advertises.

        For a list of the other properties of the LLDP agent in addition to the mode property, type lldpadm show-agentprop. Or, refer to Table 7-1.

        For instructions, see How to Specify TLV Units for an Agent's LLDP Packet.

  3. If necessary, customize global TLV units.
    # lldpadm set-tlvprop -p property=value global-tlv

    where property refers to the property of the global TLV unit.

    For an explanation of global TLV units, see TLV Units and Their Properties.

    For a list of global TLVs, type lldpadm show-tlvprop. Or, refer to Table 7-2.

    For instructions, see How to Define TLV Values.

  4. If necessary, customize per-agent TLV units.
    # lldpadm set-agenttlvprop -p property=value -a agent per-agent-tlv

    where property refers to the property of the per-agent TLV unit.

    For an explanation of per-agent TLV units, see TLV Units and Their Properties.

    For a list of per-agent TLVs, type lldpadm show-tlvprop. Or, refer to Table 7-2.

    For instructions, see How to Define TLV Values.

Example 7-1 Customizing the auto-enable-agents SMF Property

The following example shows the different manner LLDP is enabled if you change the value of the SMF property. Suppose that on a system with four ports, LLDP is configured on two ports as follows:

With the SMF property set to the default value yes, LLDP is automatically enabled on net2 and net3. The LLDP configuration is displayed as follows:

# lldpadm show-agentprop -p mode
net0    mode       rw     both    disable   txonly,rxonly,both,
net1    mode       rw     rxonly  disable   txonly,rxonly,both,
net2    mode       rw     both    disable   txonly,rxonly,both,
net3    mode       rw     both    disable   txonly,rxonly,both,

If you switch the SMF property to no, the configuration changes when you restart the service.

# svccfg -s svc:/network/lldp:default setprop lldp/auto-enable-agents = "no"
# svcadm restart svc:/network/lldp:default
# lldpadm show-agentprop -p mode
net0    mode       rw     both     disable   txonly,rxonly,both,
net1    mode       rw     rxonly   disable   txonly,rxonly,both,
net2    mode       rw     disable  disable   txonly,rxonly,both,
net3    mode       rw     disable  disable   txonly,rxonly,both,

In the sample output, net2 and net3, whose LLDP modes were previously automatically enabled, are now flagged as disabled. However, no change occurs on net0 and net1 whose LLDP agents were previously configured.

Example 7-2 Enabling LLDP on Multiple Datalinks

This example shows you how to enable LLDP selectively. A system has two datalinks, net0 and net1. On net0, you want the agent to transmit and receive LLDP packets. On net1, you want the agent to transmit LLDP packets only. You would type the following commands:

# svccfg -s svc:/network/lldp:default setprop lldp/auto-enable-agents = "no"
# svcadm restart svc:/network/lldp:default
# lldpadm set-agentprop -p mode=both net0
# lldpadm set-agentprop -p mode=txonly net1

How to Specify TLV Units for an Agent's LLDP Packet

This procedure explains how to specify TLV units to be advertised in an LLDP packet that an agent transmits. To specify TLV units, you use the lldpadm set-agentprop subcommand.

  1. If necessary, identify the LLDP agent property that can contain the TLV unit that you want to add.

    This subcommand also displays the TLV units that are already set for each property.

    # lldpadm show-agentprop agent

    Without specifying the property, this subcommand displays all the LLDP agent properties and their TLV values.

  2. Add the TLV unit to the property.
    # lldpadm set-agentprop -p property[+|-]=value[,...] agent

    The +|- qualifiers are used for properties that accept multiple values. These qualifiers enable you to add (+) or remove (-) values from the list. If you do not use the qualifiers, then the value that you set replaces all the values that were previously defined for the property.

  3. (Optional) Display the new values for the property.
    # lldpadm show-agentprop -p property agent

Example 7-3 Adding Optional TLV Units to an LLDP Packet

In this example, the LLDP agent net0 is already configured to advertise VLAN information in its LLDP packet. You want to include system capabilities, link aggregation, and network virtualization information to be advertised as well. However, you want to remove the VLAN description from the packet.

# lldpadm show-agentprop net0
net0    mode       rw     both           disable   txonly,rxonly,both,
net0    basic-tlv  rw     sysname,        none     none,portdesc,
                          sysdesc                  sysname,sysdesc,
net0    dot1-tlv   rw     vlanname,       none     none,vlanname,pvid,
                          pvid,pfc                 linkaggr,pfc,appln,
net0    dot3-tlv   rw     max-framesize   none     none, max-framesize,
net0    virt-tlv   rw     none            none     none,vnic,all

# lldpadm set-agentprop -p basic-tlv+=syscapab,dot1-tlv+=linkaggr,virt-tlv=vnic net0
# lldpadm set-agentprop -p dot1-tlv-=vlanname net0
# lldpadm show-agentprop -p net0
net0    mode       rw     both           disable   txonly,rxonly,both,
net0    basic-tlv  rw     sysname,        none     none,portdesc,
                          sysdesc,                 sysname,sysdesc,
                          syscapab                 syscapab,mgmtaddr,
net0    dot1-tlv   rw     pvid,           none     none,vlanname,pvid,
                          linkaggr                 linkaggr,pfc,appln,
net0    dot3-tlv   rw     max-framesize   none     none, max-framesize,
net0    virt-tlv   rw     vnic            none     none,vnic,all

How to Define TLV Values

This procedure explains how to provide values for specific TLV units. Use either of the following subcommands:

  1. Perform one of the following steps depending on whether you are configuring a global TLV unit or a per-agent unit.
    • To configure a global TLV unit, set the appropriate TLV property to contain the values that you want to advertise.

      # lldpadm set-tlvprop -p tlv-property=value[,value,value,...] tlv-name

      where tlv-name is the name of the global TLV unit and tlv-property is a property of that TLV unit. You can assign multiple values to the property. For reference, see Table 7-2.

    • To configure a per-agent TLV unit, configure the appropriate TLV property of the LLDP agent to contain the values that you want the agent to advertise,

      # lldpadm set-agenttlvprop -p tlv-property[+|-]=value[,value,value,...] -a agent tlv-name

      where tlv-name is the name of the agent TLV unit and tlv-property is a property of that TLV unit. You can assign multiple values to the property. For reference, see Table 7-3.

  2. (Optional) Display the values of the TLV property that you have just configured by performing one of the following steps:
    • To display the global TLV property values, use the following command:

      # lldpadm show-tlvprop
    • To display the values of an agent's TLV property values, use the following command:

      # lldpadm show-agenttlvprop

Example 7-4 Specifying the System's Capabilities and the Management IP Address

This example accomplishes two objectives:

# llpdadm set-tlvprop -p supported=bridge,router,repeater syscapab
# llpdadm set-tlvprop -p enabled=router syscapab
# llpdadm set-tlvprop -p ipaddr= mgmtaddr
# llpdadm show-tlvprop
syscapab   supported  rw    bridge,      bridge,router,  other,router,
                            router,      station         repeater,bridge,
                            repeater                     wlan-ap,telephone,
syscapab   enabled    rw    router       none            bridge,router,
mgmtaddr   ipaddr     rw  none            --

Disabling LLDP

To disable LLDP selectively on individual ports, use one of the following commands:

To disable LLDP globally across all of the system's interfaces, perform the following steps.

  1. Change the SMF LLDP property to no.

    # svccfg -s svc:/network/lldp:default setprop lldp/auto-enable-agents = "no"
  2. Restart the LLDP service.

    # svcadm restart svc:/network/lldp:default
  3. Disable LLDP on each port whose previous LLDP configuration is retained.

    # lldpadm set-agentprop -p mode=disable agent