- ABI, See application binary interface
- ABI differences from API, What is the Oracle Solaris ABI?
- accept
- Binding Local Names
- Local Name Binding
- API differences from ABI, What is the Oracle Solaris ABI?
- appcert
- limitations, What appcert Does Not Check
- syntax, Working with appcert
- application binary interface (ABI), What is the Oracle Solaris ABI?
- defined, Defining the Oracle Solaris ABI
- tools, Oracle Solaris ABI Tools
- appcert, Oracle Solaris ABI Tools
- apptrace, Oracle Solaris ABI Tools
- apptrace, Using apptrace for Application Verification
- asynchronous I/O
- behavior, Asynchronous I/O Behavior
- endpoint service, Making the Endpoint Asynchronous
- guaranteeing buffer state, Asynchronous I/O Behavior
- listen for network connection, Asynchronous Use of a Connection
- making connection request, Asynchronous Use of a Connection
- notification of data arrival, Asynchronous Network Transfers
- opening a file, Asynchronous Open
- using structure, Asynchronous I/O Behavior
- Asynchronous Safe, What Are XTI and TLI?
- asynchronous socket
- Asynchronous Socket I/O
- Interrupt-Driven Socket I/O
- atomic updates to semaphores, System V Semaphores
- attribute, finding in an SDP session structure, Finding an Attribute in an SDP Session Structure