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Programming Interfaces Guide Oracle Solaris 11.1 Information Library |
Session Description API Overview
Creating the SDP Session Structure
Creating a New SDP Session Structure
Adding an Origin Field to the SDP Session Structure
Adding a Name Field to the SDP Session Structure
Adding an Information Field to the SDP Session Structure
Adding a URI Field to the SDP Session Structure
Adding an Email Field to the SDP Session Structure
Adding a Telephone Field to the SDP Session Structure
Adding a Connection Field to the SDP Session Structure
Adding a Bandwidth Field to the SDP Session Structure
Adding a Time Field to the SDP Session Structure
Adding a Repeat Field to the SDP Session Structure
Adding a Zone Field to the SDP Session Structure
Adding a Key Field to the SDP Session Structure
Adding an Attribute Field to the SDP Session Structure
Adding a Media Field to the SDP Session Structure
Code Sample: Building an SDP Session Structure
Searching the SDP Session Structure
Finding an Attribute in an SDP Session Structure
Finding Media in an SDP Session Structure
Finding a Media Format in an SDP Session Structure
Shutting Down the SDP Session Structure
Deleting Fields From the SDP Session Structure
Deleting Fields From the SDP Media Structure
Deleting Media From the SDP Media Structure
Deleting an Attribute From the SDP Media Structure
Deleting an Attribute From the SDP Media Structure
Parsing the SDP Session Structure
Cloning an Existing SDP Session Structure
Converting an SDP Session Structure to a String
8. Programming With XTI and TLI
10. Transport Selection and Name-to-Address Mapping
11. Real-time Programming and Administration