- editing
- fixed network profile,
How to Edit a Fixed Network Profile
- locations,
Editing Locations
- network profiles,
Editing Network Profiles
- adding or removing connections,
How to Add or Remove Connections
- enable subcommand of netadm command,
netadm Subcommands
- enabling a profile,
Enabling and Disabling Profiles
- enabling and disabling profiles,
Enabling and Disabling Profiles
- end subcommand of netcfg command,
netcfg Subcommands
- ENMs
Description of an ENM
About External Network Modifiers
- adding a command-line ENM,
How to Add a Command-Line ENM
- creating an ENM profile,
Creating an ENM Profile
- interactively creating an ENM profile,
How to Interactively Create an ENM Profile
- Network Modifiers dialog,
About the Network Modifiers Dialog
- properties of an ENM profile,
Creating an ENM Profile
- examples
- changing property values for a specific profile by using the walkprop subcommand,
Viewing and Changing Property Values by Using the walkprop Subcommand
- connecting to wireless networks,
Performing a Wireless Scan and Connecting to Available Wireless Networks
- disabling a profile,
Enabling and Disabling Profiles
- displaying monitored events,
Monitoring the Current State of All Network Connections
- enabling a profile,
Enabling and Disabling Profiles
- exporting a profile configuration,
Exporting and Restoring a Profile Configuration
- in command-file mode,
Exporting and Restoring a Profile Configuration
- in interactive mode,
Exporting and Restoring a Profile Configuration
interactively creating
- a Location profile,
How to Interactively Create a Location Profile
- a WLAN,
How to Interactively Create a Known WLAN Profile
- an ENM profile,
How to Interactively Create an ENM Profile
- an NCP,
How to Interactively Create an NCP With NCUs
- an NCU for an existing NCP,
How to Interactively Create an NCP With NCUs
interactively setting property values,
How to Interactively Set Property Values
- NCP activation policy,
Examples of an NCP Policy
- removing
- a profile interactively,
Removing Profiles
- a specific user-defined profile,
Removing Profiles
setting property values in netcfg command-line mode,
Setting and Changing Property Values for a Profile
- switching profiles,
Enabling and Disabling Profiles
- exit subcommand of netcfg command,
netcfg Subcommands
- export subcommand of netcfg command,
netcfg Subcommands
- exporting and restoring a profile configuration,
Exporting and Restoring a Profile Configuration
- external network modifiers (ENMs),
About External Network Modifiers
- Network Modifiers dialog,
About the Network Modifiers Dialog