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Managing SMB File Sharing and Windows Interoperability in Oracle Solaris 11.1 Oracle Solaris 11.1 Information Library |
1. Sharing Files Between Windows and Oracle Solaris Systems
2. Setting Up Identity Mapping Between Windows and Oracle Solaris Systems
Mapping User and Group Identities
Creating Your Identity Mapping Strategy
Mapping Well-Known Windows Account Names
Managing Directory-Based Name Mapping for Users and Groups (Task Map)
How to Extend the Active Directory Schema, and User and Group Entries
How to Extend the Native LDAP Schema, and User and Group Entries
How to Configure Directory-Based Mapping
How to Add a Directory-Based Name Mapping to a User Object
How to Add a Directory-Based Name Mapping to a Group Object
How to Remove a Directory-Based Name Mapping From a User Object
How to Remove a Directory-Based Name Mapping From a Group Object
Managing Directory-Based Identity Mapping by Using Identity Management for UNIX (Task Map)
How to Enable Identity Management for UNIX Support
Managing Rule-Based Identity Mapping for Users and Groups (Task Map)
How to Add a User Mapping Rule
How to Add a Group Mapping Rule
How to Import User Mappings From a Rule-Mapping File
How to Show a Mapping for a Particular Identity
How to Show All Established Mappings
Troubleshooting the Identity Mapping Service
Viewing Identity Mapping Service Property Settings
Saving and Restoring Name-Based Mapping Rules
Viewing Details About Mappings
Debugging the Identity Mapping Service
3. Setting Up a Oracle Solaris SMB Server to Manage and Share Files
Windows systems and Oracle Solaris systems use different identity schemes to determine who is permitted to access systems and system objects. When the Oracle Solaris SMB server is integrated into an existing Windows domain, the Oracle Solaris user IDs and group IDs must find equivalent Windows SIDs to use for authorization and file access. The SMB server uses identity mapping software to perform these tasks.
By default, no rule-based mappings are configured. In this case, non-ephemeral Oracle Solaris UIDs and GIDs are mapped to local SIDs. Local SIDs are composed of the server's SID and an RID that is derived algorithmically from the UID or GID. Similarly, domain user and group SIDs are mapped to ephemerally, dynamically allocated UIDs and GIDs. A system administrator can also create a set of rule-based mappings to map users and groups by name. Such rule-based mapping requires that Windows uses Active Directory and that the specified users and groups must already exist.
The following table points to the tasks that you can use to manage rule-based identity mapping for the SMB server in a Windows environment. These tasks use the idmap(1M) command to manage identity mapping.
For more information about user and group identities, see Mapping User and Group Identities. For more information about how to determine your identity mapping strategy, see Creating Your Identity Mapping Strategy.
Note - In a cluster configuration, changes made to user maps and to group maps on one server are immediately propagated to the other server.
The idmap command enables you to create rule-based mappings between Windows users and Oracle Solaris users. By default, the SMB server uses ephemeral identity mapping. Shell special characters, such as the double quote character ("), the asterisk character (*), and the backslash character (\), must be quoted when used as user names and domain names.
For more information, see How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris 11.1 Administration: Security Services.
The Windows user name must be specified by using one of the following formats:
The Oracle Solaris user name must be specified by using the format unixuser:username.
If username is the empty string (""), mapping is inhibited. Only directional mappings can have an empty string as their target identity. No mapping is created by the identity mapping service, and the nobody ID is used for access control. Do not use a user name of "" to preclude logins by unmapped Windows users.
If username uses the wildcard (*), it matches all user names that are not matched by other mappings. Similarly, if username is the wildcard Windows name (*@*), it matches all user names in all domains that are not matched by other mappings.
By default, identity mappings are bidirectional, which means that the Windows name is mapped to the Oracle Solaris name and the Oracle Solaris name is mapped to the Windows name. If you want the mapping to be unidirectional, specify the -d option.
If username uses the wildcard on both sides of the mapping, the user name is the same for both Windows and Oracle Solaris users. For example, the '*' == '*' rule ensures that the Windows user name maps to the jp Oracle Solaris user name.
![]() | Caution - Be careful when creating rule-based mappings that use wildcards for the user names. Windows user names are case insensitive, while Oracle Solaris user names are case sensitive. Note that the case of Windows names that appear in idmap name rules and in idmap show commands is irrelevant. Oracle Solaris environments typically use lowercase characters for user names, but uppercase characters are permitted. Therefore, using a wildcard to map Windows names to Oracle Solaris user names might not produce the expected results. Rule-based mapping rules that use the unixuser:* target map to the Oracle Solaris user name as follows:
As a result of this differing treatment of case, user names that appear to be alike might not be recognized as matches. You must create rules to handle such pairings of strings that differ only in case. For example, to map Oracle Solaris user Kerry to Windows user, you must create the following rule: # idmap add winuser:'*' unixuser:'*' # idmap add unixuser:Kerry |
# idmap add winuser:username@domain-name unixuser:username
# idmap add -d winuser:username@domain-name unixuser:username
# idmap add -d unixuser:username winuser:username@domain-name
The idmap command enables you to create rule-based mappings between Windows groups and Oracle Solaris groups. By default, the SMB server uses ephemeral identity mapping.
You can also create diagonal mappings to maps between a Windows group and an Oracle Solaris user and between an Oracle Solaris group and a Windows user. These mappings are needed when Windows uses a group identity as a file owner or a user identity as a file group. Shell special characters, such as the double quote character ("), the asterisk character (*), and the backslash character (\), must be quoted when used as group names and domain names.
For more information, see How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris 11.1 Administration: Security Services.
The Windows group name must be specified by using one of the following formats:
The Oracle Solaris group name must be specified by using the format unixgroup:group-name. The Oracle Solaris user name must be specified by using the format unixuser:username.
If group-name is the empty string (""), mapping is inhibited.
If group-name uses the wildcard (*), it matches all group names that are not matched by other mappings. Similarly, if group-name is the wildcard Windows name (*@*), it matches all group names in all domains that are not matched by other mappings.
By default, identity mappings are bidirectional, which means that the Windows group name is mapped to the Oracle Solaris group name, and the Oracle Solaris group name is mapped to the Windows group name. If you want the mapping to be unidirectional, specify the -d option.
If group-name uses the wildcard on both sides of the mapping, the group name is the same for both Windows groups and Oracle Solaris groups. For example, if the rule is "*" == "*", the Windows group name would match this rule and map to the staff Oracle Solaris group name.
![]() | Caution - Be careful when creating rule-based mappings that use wildcards for the group names. Windows group names are case insensitive, while Oracle Solaris group names are case sensitive. Note that the case of Windows names that appear in idmap name rules and in idmap show commands is irrelevant. Oracle Solaris environments typically use lowercase characters for group names, but uppercase characters are permitted. Therefore, using a wildcard to map Windows names to Oracle Solaris group names might not produce the expected results. Rule-based mapping rules that use the unixgroup:* target map to the Oracle Solaris group name as follows:
As a result of this differing treatment of case, group names that appear to be alike might not be recognized as matches. You must create rules to handle such pairings of strings that differ only in case. For example, to map Oracle Solaris group Sales to Windows group, you must create the following rule: # idmap add wingroup:'*' unixgroup:'*' # idmap add unixgroup:Sales |
# idmap add wingroup:group-name@domain-name unixgroup:group-name
# idmap add -d wingroup:group-name@domain-name unixgroup:group-name
# idmap add -d unixgroup:group-name wingroup:group-name@domain-name
# idmap add -d wingroup:group-name@domain-name unixuser:username
# idmap add -d unixgroup:group-name winuser:username@domain-name
The idmap import command enables you to import a set of rule-based user mappings that are stored in a file.
The idmap supports these file formats:
The NetApp usermap.cfg rule-mapping format is as follows:
windows-username [direction] unix-username
windows-username is a Windows user name in either the domain-name\username or username@domain-name format.
unix-username is an Oracle Solaris user name.
direction is one of the following:
== means a bidirectional mapping, which is the default.
=> or <= means a unidirectional mapping.
The IP qualifier is not supported.
The Samba smbusers rule-mapping format is as follows:
unixname = winname1 winname2 ...
The mappings are imported as unidirectional mappings from one or more Windows names to an Oracle Solaris name.
The format is based on the “username map” entry of the smb.conf man page, which is available on the web site. The use of an asterisk (*) for winname is supported. However, the @group directive and the chaining of mappings are not supported.
By default, if no mapping entries are in the smbusers file, Samba maps a winname to the equivalent unixname, if any. The following idmap command shows this mapping:
idmap add -d winuser:"*@*" unixuser:"*"
For more information, see How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris 11.1 Administration: Security Services.
# idmap import [-F] [-f file] format
For example, suppose that you have a file called myusermaps that uses the usermap.cfg format to specify the following user name mappings:
# cat myusermaps == dana => dana
Use one of the following commands to add these mappings to the database:
# cat myusermaps | idmap import usermap.cfg
# idmap import -f myusermaps usermap.cfg
The idmap list command enables you to view all of the rule-based identity mappings that you created for users and groups. You can also find particular mappings for users and groups.
$ idmap list add unixuser:terrym add wingroup:members unixgroup:staff
To optionally list only the user mappings, type:
$ idmap list | grep user add unixuser:terrym
To optionally list only the group mappings, type:
$ idmap list | grep group add wingroup:members unixgroup:staff
The idmap show command enables you to view the particular name or ID for a name or ID that you specify.
$ idmap show [-c] [-v] identity [target-type]
By default, the idmap show command only shows mappings that have already been established.
For example, to view the SID that is mapped to UID 2147926017, type:
$ idmap show uid:2147926017 sid uid:2147926017 -> sid:S-1-5-21-721821396-1083305290-3049112724-500
To view the Oracle Solaris user name for the Windows user name, type:
$ idmap show -> uid:2147926017
If you specify the -c option, idmap show forces the evaluation of rule-based mapping configurations or the dynamic allocation of IDs. This command also shows mapping information when an error occurs to help diagnose mapping problems.
The -v option includes additional information about how the identity mapping was generated, which can help with troubleshooting. The following example shows that the mapping is ephemeral and was retrieved from the cache:
# idmap show -v sid:S-1-5-21-2949573101-2750415176-3223191819-884217 sid:S-1-5-21-2949573101-2750415176-3223191819-884217 -> uid:2175201213 Source: Cache Method: Ephemeral
For name-based mappings, the idmap show -v command shows either the mapping rule or the directory distinguished name with the attribute and value that created the mapping.
The idmap dump command enables you to view all of the SID-to-UID and SID-to-GID mappings that are stored in the cache.
By default, the idmap dump command only lists the mappings themselves. The -v option includes additional information about how the identity mapping was generated, which can help with troubleshooting. The -n option shows names instead of IDs.
$ idmap dump -n <= uid:2147909633 <= uid:2147909634 wingroup:Group Policy Creator == gid:2147917831 wingroup:Domain == gid:2147917832 wingroup:Enterprise == gid:2147917833 wingroup:Schema == gid:2147917834 wingroup:Netmon == gid:2147917836 wingroup:Administrators@BUILTIN == gid:2147917837 usid:S-1-5-21-156362980-169493972-3399456007-500 == uid:2147917825 usid:S-1-5-21-156362980-169493972-3399456007-520 == gid:2147917826 usid:S-1-5-21-156362980-169493972-3399456007-512 == gid:2147917827 usid:S-1-5-21-156362980-169493972-3399456007-519 == gid:2147917828 usid:S-1-5-21-156362980-169493972-3399456007-518 == gid:2147917829 wingroup:Network == gid:2147557379 wingroup:Authenticated Users == gid:2147917830 winuser:administrator@solar == uid:2147926017 == uid:2147557377 usid:S-1-5-21-156362980-169493972-3399456007-513 == gid:2147557378
To optionally list only the user mappings, type:
$ idmap dump -n | grep uid <= uid:2147909633 <= uid:2147909634 usid:S-1-5-21-156362980-169493972-3399456007-500 == uid:2147917825 winuser:administrator@solar == uid:2147926017 == uid:2147557377
To optionally list only the group mappings, type:
$ idmap dump -n | grep gid wingroup:Group Policy Creator == gid:2147917831 wingroup:Domain == gid:2147917832 wingroup:Enterprise == gid:2147917833 wingroup:Schema == gid:2147917834 wingroup:Netmon == gid:2147917836 wingroup:Administrators@BUILTIN == gid:2147917837 usid:S-1-5-21-156362980-169493972-3399456007-520 == gid:2147917826 usid:S-1-5-21-156362980-169493972-3399456007-512 == gid:2147917827 usid:S-1-5-21-156362980-169493972-3399456007-519 == gid:2147917828 usid:S-1-5-21-156362980-169493972-3399456007-518 == gid:2147917829 wingroup:Network == gid:2147557379 wingroup:Authenticated Users == gid:2147917830 usid:S-1-5-21-156362980-169493972-3399456007-513 == gid:2147557378
The idmap command enables you to remove a rule-based mapping that you created.
For more information, see How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris 11.1 Administration: Security Services.
# idmap list
For example, to find all user mappings that map to the Oracle Solaris user pat, type:
# idmap list | grep pat
# idmap remove username
# idmap remove username1 username2
# idmap remove -a
The idmap command enables you to remove a rule-based mapping that you created.
For more information, see How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris 11.1 Administration: Security Services.
# idmap list
For example, to find all unidirectional group mappings that map to the Oracle Solaris group staff, type:
# idmap list | grep staff
# idmap remove group-name
# idmap remove group-name1 group-name2
# idmap remove -a