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man pages section 1M: System Administration Commands Oracle Solaris 11.1 Information Library |
- manage Message Queue administered objects
/usr/bin/imqobjmgr subcommand [[option]…]
/usr/bin/imqobjmgr -i fileName
/usr/bin/imqobjmgr -h | [-H] | -help | -Help
/usr/bin/imqobjmgr -v
imqobjmgr manages Message Queue administered objects in an object store accessible using JNDI. Administered objects allow JMS clients to be provider-independent by insulating them from provider-specific naming and configuration formats.
imqobjmgr supports five management subcommands. These subcommands, and their corresponding options follow the imqobjmgr command on the command line. See USAGE and OPTIONS.
The following subcommands are supported:
Add a new administered object
Delete an administered object
Display a list of administered objects
Display information about administered objects
Update administered objects
You can use the -i option to specify the name of an input file that uses java property file syntax to represent all or part of any imqobjmgr subcommand clause. The -f, -s, and -pre options can be used with any imqobjmgr subcommand.
The following options are supported:
Perform action without user confirmation.
Display usage help. Execute nothing else on the command line.
Display usage help, attribute list, and examples. Execute nothing else on the command line.
Specify the name of an input file containing all or part of the subcommand clause, specifying object type, lookup name, object attributes, object store attributes, or other options. Use this option for repetitive information, such as object store attributes.
Specify attributes necessary to identify and access a JNDI object store.
Specify an alternate Java 2 compatible runtime to use. imqobjmgr uses the runtime bundled with the operating system by default.
Specify the JNDI lookup name of an administered object. This name must be unique in the object store's context.
Specify the attributes of an administered object.
Run command in preview mode. Preview mode indicates what will be done without performing the command.
Specify if an administered object is a read-only object. A value of true indicates the administered object is a read-only object. JMS clients cannot modify the attributes of read-only administered objects. The read-only state is set to false by default.
Silent mode. No output is displayed.
Specify the type of an administered object:
q = queue t = topic cf = ConnectionFactory qf = queueConnectionFactory tf = topicConnectionFactory xcf = XA ConnectionFactory (distributed transactions) xqf = XA queueConnectionFactory (distributed transactions) xtf = XA topicConnectionFactory (distributed transactions) e = SOAP endpoint (used to support SOAP messaging)
Display version information. Execute nothing else on the command line.
This section provides information on subcommands, options, and attribute value pairs.
The following subcommands and corresponding options are supported:
Add a new administered object of the specified type, lookup name , and object attributes to an object store.
Delete an administered object, of the specified type and lookup name from an object store.
Display a list of administered objects of a specified type, or all administered objects, in an object store.
Display information about an administered object of a specified lookup name in an object store.
Update the specified attribute values of an administered object of the specified lookup name in an object store.
The following attribute value pairs are supported for the specified administered object types:
Type = ConnectionFactories: ConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory, QueueConnectionFactory, XAConnectionFactory, XATopicConnectionFactory, and XAQueueConnectionFactory
Value: String (true, false, not specified)
Default: not specified
Value: String (true, false, not specified)
Default: not specified
Value: String (time in milliseconds)
Default: 0 (no timeout)
Value: String
Default: not specified
Value: String
Default: Priority
Value: Integer
Default: 1
Used if imqConnectionType is TCP or TLS. This attribute type is only supported in Message Queue 3.0.
Value: String
Used if imqConnectionType is TCP or TLS. This attribute type is only supported in Message Queue 3.0.
Value: Integer
Default: 7676
Used if imqConnectionType is TCP or TLS. This attribute type is only supported in Message Queue 3.0.
Value: Integer
Default: 0
Value: String (ID number)
Default: no ID specified
Value: Integer
Default: 100
Value: Integer
Default: 1000
Value: Boolean
Default: false
This attribute type is only supported in Message Queue 3.0.
Value: String (TCP, TLS, HTTP).
Default: TCP
Used if imqConnectionType is HTTP. This attribute type is only supported in Message Queue 3.0.
Value: String
Default: http://localhost/imq/tunnel
Value: Integer
Default: 1000
Value: Integer
Default: 50
Value: String
Default: guest
Value: String
Default: guest
Value: Boolean
Default: false
Value: Integer (1=non-persistent, 2=persistent)
Default: 2
Value: Long (time in milliseconds)
Default: 0 (does not expire)
Value: Integer (0 to 9)
Default: 4
Value: Boolean
Default: true
Value: Boolean
Default: false
Value: Boolean
Default: false
Value: Boolean
Default: false
Value: Boolean
Default: false
Value: Integer
Default: 1000
Value: Long (time in milliseconds)
Default: 60,000
Value: Integer
Default: 0
Value: Boolean
Default: false
Value: Long (time in milliseconds)
Default: 3000
Value: Boolean
Default: false
Value: Boolean
Default: false
Value: Boolean
Default: false
Value: Boolean
Default: false
Value: Boolean
Default: false
Used if imqConnectionType is TLS. This attribute type is only supported in Message Queue 3.0.
Value: Boolean
Default: true
Type = Destinations: Topic and Queue
Value: String
Default: no description
Value: String
Default: Untitled_Destination_Object
Type = Endpoint (SOAP Endpoint)
Value: String
Default: A description for the endpoint object
Value: String
Default: Untitled_Endpoint_Object
Value: String (one or more space-separated URLs)
Default: no url
Example 1 Adding a Topic Administered Object to an Object Store
Where JNDI lookup name=myTopic and imqDestinationName=MyTestTopic, the following command adds to an LDAP server object store:
imqobjmgr add -t t -l "cn=myTopic"\ -o "imqDestinationName=MyTestTopic"\ -j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"\ -j "java.naming.provider.url=ldap://"
Where JNDI lookup name=myTopic and imqDestinationName=MyTestTopic, the following command adds to a file system object store:
imqobjmgr add -t -l "cn=myTopic"\ -o "imqDestinationName=MyTestTopic"\ -j \ "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory"\ -j "java.naming.provider.url=file:/home/foo/imq_admin_objects"
Where JNDI lookup name=myTopic and imqDestinationName=MyTestTopic, the following command adds to a file system object store, using an input file:
imqobjmgr -i inputfile
The associated input file consists of the following:
cmdtype=add obj.type=t obj.lookupName=cn=myTopic obj.attrs.imqDestinationName=MyTestTopic\ RefFSContextFactory
Example 2 Adding a QueueConnectionFactory Administered Object to an Object Store
Where JNDI lookup name=myQCF, read-only state=true, imqAddressList=mq://foohost:777/jms, the following command adds to an LDAP server object store:
imqobjmgr add -t qf -l "cn=myQCF" -r true\ -o "imqAddressList=mq://foohost:777/jms"\ -j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"\ -j "java.naming.provider.url=ldap://"\
Where JNDI lookup name=myQCF, read-only state=true, imqAddressList=mq://foohost:777/jms, the following command adds to an LDAP server object store using an input file:
imqobjmgr -i inputfile
The associated input file consists of the following:
cmdtype=add obj.type=qf obj.lookupName=cn=myQCF obj.readOnly=true obj.attrs.imqAddressList=mq://foohost:777/jms\ ldap.LdapCtxFactory
Where JNDI lookup name=myQCF, read-only state=true, imqAddressList=mq://foohost:777/jms, the following command adds to an LDAP server object store, using both an input file and command options:
imqobjmgr add -t qf -l "cn=myQCF"\ -o "imqAddressList=mq://foohost:777/jms"\ -i inputfile
The associated input file consists of the following:
Example 3 Deleting a Topic Administered Object from an Object Store
Where JNDI lookup name=myTopic and no confirmation is requested, the following command deletes from an LDAP server object store:
imqobjmgr delete -f -l "cn=myTopic"\ -j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"\ -j "java.naming.provider.url=ldap://"
Example 4 Querying Information About a Topic Administered Object
Where JNDI lookup name=myTopic, the following command queries from an LDAP server object store using simple authentication scheme:
imqobjmgr query -l "cn=myTopic"\ -j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"\ -j "java.naming.provider.url=ldap://"\ -j ""\ -j ",ou=imqobjmgr,o=imq"\ -j ""
The following exit values are returned:
Successful completion.
An error occurred.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
imqadmin(1M), imqcmd(1M), imqbrokerd(1M), imqkeytool(1M), imqusermgr(1M), attributes(5)
Sun Java System Message Queue Administrator's Guide